Switchgrass, or Panicum virgatum, has become increasingly popular in the past ten or fifteen years as an ornamental grass that is native to North America, as opposed to the previously used Miscanthus and Pennisetum species. It's a terrifically useful plant aesthetically, but it also has scientific merits as well. The plant has been used for phytoremediation as well as biomass.
Grasses are amazingly evolved plants -- where most angiosperms have the apical meristem (the part of the plant that signals growth and cell production to the entire organism) located at the terminal leader of the plant, grasses evolved so that the apical meristem is located at the joint where new blades emerge from the sheath. This is an adaptation in response to the grazing habits of mammals on the plains. If, for instance, buffalo grazed on grasses and consistently chewed off the apical meristem, the plants would diminish quickly. When the apical meristem is at a node closer to the ground, growth patterns are not interrupted by nearby herbivores. (Please note: I probably condensed several books' worth of science into a few sentences -- no doubt a better scientist could have explained this more clearly and accurately!)
The photos above are most likely of a cultivar of switchgrass called 'Shenandoah' which is notable for it's red foliage. The shots above also show the panicle of flowers typically seen in late summer/early fall. Panicum is a warm season grass, which means the plant grows most during hot, dry summers and has extensive root systems to allow them to survive drought.
The shot above and below is at the Christiana Mall in Delaware. I think it is a good illustration of how a native prairie grass (though its distribution stretches from Nova Scotia to Mexico) can be used in a very corporate landscape. I also think it combines beautifully with Hydrangea paniculata.
Panicum is derivative of the Latin word for millet, which is also the root for the word bread in French and Spanish, pain and pan, respectively.