Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Yards Park, Errata

I can't write about The Yards, without commenting on the planting plan and a few other items I would have liked to have seen different.  First up, the plant list -- I can't understand why the palette would be azaleas and barberries.  They're just very...suburban.  I would have loved to see a palette similar to Hudson River Park -- grasses and native plants that will thrive in full sun.   I can only imagine how quickly the azaleas will get lacebug  in this site.

Equally odd, the placement of Yucca beneath river birches.  Eventually they will be shaded out.

I loved the steel trellis work on the concrete walls.  It was interesting to see how Clematis twines on it beautifully...

Whereas trumpet creeper has ignored the trellis altogether.

Of course I'm baffled as to what will grow on the trellis here, as there is no planting bed beneath it.

Finally, a good example of poor coordination between lighting design and planting design...

1 comment:

  1. I have often thought about doing window boxes with succulents. Neglect and little water, perfect for dry hot weather.
